I sat by the window, looking blankly at the enormous waves reduce to nothing as they touched the shore. The sky appeared seemingly different and it incredibly changed its color from blue to orange to reddish pink. The reflection of the boundless sky in the vast sea made it look murderous too. The sound of the striking waves and the birds chirping as they flew back home randomly took me on a journey to my past…
After a bad and tiring day at school, I was sitting in the park trying to relax and calm myself. The air around was filled with the cheerful laughter of kids who had spilled out of their homes to play. But that joyous sound didn’t seem to amuse me. After avoiding them for a few times, I, out of sheer envy and irritability, got up from the bench and moved towards them to chuck them out of the park. My hand was just about to touch the cheek of a five-year old boy, when she came in between and held my hand. She was fair and beautiful and her smile was beaming with aliveness. Her deep blue eyes showered love and compassion at everything she looked. Though a stranger, she spoke to me and made me feel better. By the end of forty five minutes long chat, I was over my frustration and was feeling euphoric again. That was our first meeting.
The very next day, I found out that she was my new Physics teacher. I was obviously very excited and ecstatic about it. Soon, I realized that most of my evenings were spent with her in her rented room where she stayed alone. She was twenty one, I was twelve, but we were great together. Within a few days of a true friendship, I found my best friend in her. Since then she had known every single emotion that I had had. Life was perfect and seemed a bliss having her around.
And that day, Wednesday, 18th August 2004, she had come to school on her new two wheeler. It was her first vehicle and she was flaunting it like a six-year old! That day, after the school got over, she left for home with the other teachers but was soon overtaken by them. She was riding alone and was enjoying every bit of it. Just then, a huge tanker came from nowhere and hit her from behind. She was thrown off her bike and she fell on the busy lane, her head smashing against the divider. It burst and within no time a vehicle from the opposite end came and ran over her legs. Blood, blood and more blood. My school bus, which was a little behind her encountered some jam on the road and it came to a standstill. Sitting on the first seat, I peeped out to look at what had happened. My shock knew no bounds when I saw her vehicle lying on the road in a bad state. Without waiting for others to react, I ran down and made my way through the throng. I saw her lay motionless in the ocean of blood. Both her legs were crushed and the state of her head was (is) beyond description. Liters of blood gushed through my nerves and I shivered like a leaf on a tree. I felt dizzy and I fell in front of my lifeless life. I shouted and I cried, realizing, I wasn’t hallucinating at all and what I was seeing was reality. An unsuccessful attempt of taking her to the hospital was made too. But, death had engulfed her.
It was 19th now and the body had come after post mortem. She had donated her eyes to the blind and had given her memories to me. I refused to let go the body, I refused…They could not take away my everything from me like that…
The sound of two beeps on my mobile phone awakened me from my world of shattered dreams and broken promises. I touched my face, it seemed wet. I closed my eyes tightly; some more drops of tears fell off them, reminding me of my helplessness, her absence and the huge vacuum in my life. I opened my heavy and red eyes and looked at the dying sun. Within seconds, it was gone, taking along with it all the light and the brightness. I looked again at the never ending sea, trying to look just beyond it...just beyond it...