Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Nothing like it.

Rejection. This word was first used in 1415. The original meaning was "to throw" or "to throw back". Regardless of what the theories and philosophies say, it is hard to accept, it is bitter to taste. You can go around lending your shoulder to people , supporting them and imparting words of wisdom  but when it comes down to your chance of having to face the same, you realize the hollowness of your own words . It is then that you understand that yes, you're own teacher and it is always every man for himself.

Rejection isn't overrated . It moves you , it shakes you from head to toe . It makes you wonder if you're worth anything . It makes you question your own existence in the lives of your family , your loved ones (if any). It gruesomely murders your self confidence , the faith you had in yourself, the self goodness that you had imbibed in yourself the night before the big day. It kinda brings everything down to dust. It really isn't overrated .

But , nothing is permanent and never can someone else's mistakes teach you better. Despite being told that the iron is hot and the paint is wet, you're going to burn your hand and stain your palm by touching it !! You have to learn from your own mistakes because that's how you learn best . And someone else's words can't ever be more comforting, strong and powerful than the musings of your own conscience .

So , those who've said that ups and downs are needed to a make a human out of you , aren't wrong . It's times like these that are needed to actually make you sit and ponder over the necessities and wants of your life .

"There's nothing like rejection to make you do an inventory of yourself."

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

When the moon tells me tales about you, I realize you're now in a happier world.